

2016年度二十大佳片   20 Best Movies of 2016


In 2016, Hollywood showed us a world where black lives matter, a musical had meaning, young filmmakers could strut their stuff alongside the classic likes of Martin Scorsese, Clint Eastwood, and the Coen brothers - and no subject was too hot to handle. Here are 20 movies that reminded us that the best of cinema, whether studio-financed or independently-produced, is capable of lots of things beyond sequels, prequels, remakes, retreads and the Marvel Comic Universe. 2016年的好莱坞向我们证明没有什么题材是不能驾驭的,在这个世界里,黑人有所谓,歌舞片蕴含深意,电影新人也可以在马丁•斯科塞斯、克林特•伊斯特伍德以及科恩兄弟等大师面前施展身手。下面这20部由公司投资或者独立制作的电影提醒我们,比起那些续集、前传、改编、翻拍和漫威宇宙系列影片,这些最优秀的电影作品要有意义得多。

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